We are nothing, we have nothing and can do nothing without God. We are truly poor, but in this poverty we can be powerful and make a difference for both God and neighbor. 


It is in being aware of our poverty that we can make a difference. It is in our nothingness, united to God and His Divinity, that enables us to accomplish even the smallest of things. When we are aware of this, we become powerful vessels for God because we become the prayer. It is in this state that we can do all God asks of us because our acknowledged nothingness coupled with our yes enables Him to work through us.

There are different gifts, but the same spirit; there are different ministries, but the same Lord; there are different works, but the same God who accomplishes all. The Spirit’s presence is shown in someway in each person for the good of all. (1Cor 4-7)

It amazes me to think of this divine union we are blessed to be a part of. In our nothingness, we have it all. We are never alone. We never have to do anything by ourselves. We always have the One who cares deeply for us in us and by our side. When fear sets in when we set out to do something that challenges us, we need only to step back and be mindful that we are vessels. We are not alone and God is going to accomplish what He needs done through our loving yes. The same holds true when loneliness creeps in. We are never alone. We are always being held by our very loving God.


Being mindful that we have nothing without God not only connects us to God, but to our neighbor. Right now, for instance, I am sitting on my couch writing. I would not have the couch nor the laptop were it not for God. This reality can be taken as far back and deep as I care to go. For instance, who built the faculty where the couch was made? Once made, what employees helped to make it? Who supported them while making the couch? Who helped to feed them, get them to work etc.? Who helped to get it to the store? Who worked on the roads for the delivery truck to drive on? Who built the truck? Who supported the workers? I can continue this line of wandering right up to my door.  At this moment I can take comfort in knowing I supported the livelihood of many by my yes and because of all the other yeses, I have a couch. From the yeses of others I also have a home where I am safe to sit on it. I keep it clean and that gives respect to those who helped me to have it and those who now use it all while  giving honor to God.  I can now invite friends and family over and because they have a place to sit, it is an aid in the building of community. All these jobs may seem small and isolated, but they all contributed to me having a place to sit and all the good that can come from it. This is how we know we are united as one. This is how we know we have nothing without God.  It is in the gifts that He gave each individual that He was able to get me a couch. All we have works this way. 

We all may seem small, but when we step back, we realize that is in our smallness, our poverty, that we are able to be in union with others and God.  We may be tempted to want to do it all, but in having only one small part, we have a powerful union and can make a difference.

We can take every aspect of our lives and pause for a brief moment to realize the union we have with God and neighbor. All matters whether we are giving or receiving. Later today I have to mail my son some important paperwork. I cannot do this without God and the help He offers through others.  Think of all the people that will help in being able to get this document to my son and all that he will be able to do because of it. Our connections to our neighbors are everywhere.  


All we do matters. Nothing is insignificant and when we are mindful of God‘s presence in us while we are doing all things, we become the prayer. Before we do anything, no matter how big or small, we can begin by offering it as a prayer for any intention God places on our heart. By that, we not only are making a difference in the lives of people that will directly be touched in some way by what we are doing, but we can help people that are not going to be touched by our immediate actions simply because we used it as a means of prayer. That is amazing. That is a way we can work towards praying without ceasing.


Christ is like a single body, which has many parts; it is still one body, even though it is made up of different parts. For the body itself is not made up of only one part, but of many parts. (1Cor 12 & 14).

We are one.  We are all connected to God and each other.  We need each other to survive and that is possible because we are each united to God who is our source for survival.  Being mindful of this is one way we can live out the the two most important commandments…loving God and neighbor.  With hearts filled with love for God and neighbor, we want to make a difference.  Often we are frustrated because we feel we are not doing enough.  It is in those times that we can be mindful of the smallest act we make, connected to God and neighbor is always vital. God uses everything! 

For Prayerful Reflection with God:

Meditate on the two bible passages above… 1Cor 4-7 and 1Cor 12 & 14.  

Prayerfully reflect on the reality that we are nothing, have nothing and can do nothing without God because we are truly poor. 

Reflect on the various things you have done today and how they made a difference both directly and indirectly, as well, if you offered the actions up as a prayer. 

In what ways were you helped today because you were connected with people you don’t even know?

What prayer intentions do you have that you can offer your various actions up for today?  When you feel like you are lacking in something and need help, consider offering it up for the materially poor who are lacking and need help as well.

Try and be mindful of your union with God in all you do.  While it may be impossible to keep the awareness continually, beginning each action and periodically looking up to God is a beautiful way to help to keep your heart  stirred up for God.

Talk to God about all of this.