Recently I read an article about the sport of lacrosse.  It deeply touched my heart as I see it as a sport where the Native Americans are the prayer while playing. If you are a regular of my blog, you know how important I think being the prayer is.

When the Native Americans play lacrosse, they see it as a way of entertaining God. We may not think that all we do entertains God, but I’m sure that when we use our gifts and our talents given to us by Him, He is delighted. If you give a gift to someone and they use it, doesn’t that make you feel good? If you give a gift to a small child and they play with it all the time, it melts your heart. Everything we have and all we can do is because God has gifted us. When we lovingly and joyfully use those gifts, we must make His heart sing.

Another meaningful thing they do with the sport is offering it as a prayer for someone in their tribe who may be in need of prayer. Offering up your actions for someone is a beautiful prayer. Jesus was on the cross and could do nothing, but He offered it up for us. It was His greatest prayer. By that He taught us that if we are actively doing something and we offer it up with love, it is a powerful prayer. We can be mindful of this and complete our tasks with love and not anger or agitation so that our prayer offering is not tainted.

Lastly, when the game that was offered up is over, they gave the ball to the person they were praying for. It reminds me of a prayer shawl, but instead it’s a prayer ball. If you are offering up your actions for someone they are wrapped in love. There is so much love that can be given to a family when actions are offered for them.  Dinner becomes a prayer, laundry becomes a prayer, grocery shopping becomes a prayer, etc.  Actions are a prayer not just for family, but for anyone we offer them up for.  Even if we are alone, there are so many creative ways we can offer our actions up as a prayer for others .

Imagine a world where people were mindful of this and took great care to make sure their actions were all love and never violent or filled with hate or judgment. Try and be mindful of being the prayer so you can bring delight to God and help those in need. When you do, you will find your heart will expand with love and love is always a powerful prayer.

Prayerfully Reflect On:

God’s delight in us...

“For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He adorns the humble with salvation.” Psalm 149:4

“Behold my servant, whom I uphold, My chosen, in whom My soul delights; I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.” Is 42:1

Intercessory Prayer…

Put yourself at the foot of the cross.  Reflect on being the recipient of this powerful prayer of love.  


  1. Thanks on your marvelous posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author. I will make sure to bookmark your blog and may come back down the road. I want to encourage you to ultimately continue your great work, have a nice day! Christian Pip Kries

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging feedback. I hope many of the posts can be helpful to you as we journey towards God together! God bless!

  2. Love this story. Very descriptive with beautiful details that drives home the point of self acceptance. Nice punch at the end. Celebrating the NO! Dayna Pate Vareck

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