Three Practices We Can Maintain So That We Can Make a Difference

Each person is a precious gift given to us in our lives and we are a gift to others.  Deep down we understand this and that is why we all want to make a difference.  There are three practices that can help us towards this end.

1.  Respect the value of others

We marvel at so much in this world, but we are  the greatest marvel for each of us holds the Divine within.  

If you really think about that and let it sink in, that is amazing.   We go through our day in such a hurry and with so many things to do that we neglect that truth.

We have all seen statistics beaten and have heard stories of individuals who society would have bet on being lost flourish because they were consistently shown value.  It is a hard thing to do, however.  Life is so busy and the stress is so great at times that we simply don’t have time to respect the value of others.  

2.  Be Mindful that Every Moment of Every Day Holds God

We must find God in the ordinary ways of our life and in the lives of others.  

It is good to grow in this and become more aware that He is there in the good times and bad, the unexpected fun and in the ordinary, the joy and the tears, the work and the play and in our lives and others. 

3.  Build Our Relationship With God and Neighbor

Being aware of the presence of God can be lost in the weight of our days so building on our relationship with Him and practicing self care so we can love Him in our neighbor is vital.  In fact, these practices are foundational to making a sustainable difference.

We need to take time to pray, play, create and give gratitude.  The more we are filled with God through prayer and refreshment, the more we will be able to give to others.  The more we give to others, the more they will see their value.  

The more people see that they are loved and valued, the better this world will be.  

I don’t know how this blog will develop over time.  Like you, I am on a journey and I cannot see that far ahead.  I can only plan for what I see directly ahead of me.  My plans for the moment are to post things related to these three areas.   By living lives filled with praying, playing, creating and gratitude and finding God in the ordinary day and in our neighbor, I hope we can all be encouraged to have the fortitude necessary to make a difference.  It is in discovering that God is always there and always within that we discover that we aren’t simply living our lives.  

Instead we discover that we are the continual prayer in all we do.  

By being the continual prayer, we are always making a difference and giving value to others, even if we don’t see it.  We don’t know what tomorrow brings.  

We only know that each moment holds love and hope because each moment holds God and together with Him, we can make a difference even if we feel we are small and ordinary.  

Prayerfully reflect on where you currently stand in these three areas and then talk to God about it.