The Whispers of God are Good for the Soul

Sometimes God speaks the loudest in the whispers. 

We embrace the undeniable “Godincidences”.   We rest in the impressions of love that deeply penetrate our souls. We feel great joy when the lightbulb goes off with something we read in scripture because we sense the presence of God. There are times, of course, when we feel alone and dry. We aren’t going through any difficulty in life, but we just feel blah.  We would love to sense the presence of God so that our souls would be enlivened, but as much as we long for it, we still come up dry. Those are the times that we would do well to listen for the whispers of God.

That is precisely what happened to me this week as I was praying on what to write about. I listened for the whisper of God that came in the form of a houseguest…my mother.  It came in the form of sitting quietly on the couch at night before bed and just talking. It came in the dogs that were like Velcro to her, a type of companionship that can only come from a dog.  Seeing her give the dogs water because she decided they were thirsty even though their water dish was full was a gentle whisper of God’s love.

When we push back from the table and observe our surroundings, we are better able to see those whispers. The key is becoming mindful of what is happening around us and listening not for what we can hear, but for what we cannot hear.  The whispers of God can only be heard when we listen to the heart.

The people down the hall who are in conversation with smiles and laughter can be a whisper of love. The smiles on their face and the laughter from their lips shows they are enjoying each other. The conversation doesn’t matter.  The joy that can be seen in the smiles and laughter is what can bring us in touch with God.  No words or noise are needed.  Seeing someone carrying a handful while the person next to them carries nothing can be seen as a whisper of God’s love.  In the depths of your heart you can hear God saying, “Let me help you. I can carry it.”  Watching a pet owner walk their dog is a whisper. They are friends and while the dog definitely gives unconditional love, the owners care is evident as he or she takes the time to walk their friend. It is a companionship. The noise of the details doesn’t matter. The soft whisper of love says it all if you take the time to listen.

On the days when stress is high, when you feel blah or when you are looking for God, take the time to block out the noise and listen to the whispers of the heart, which is where you will find God. Children playing, strangers talking, a neighbor cutting the grass… The list is endless because God’s love is endless and He is in all things. When we turn down the noise and listen to the heart of the doer we can hear the whisper of God’s love. We don’t need words. Actions are motivated by love and as long as we can perceive it as not being self-love, we will find the heart of the whispers of God’s love.  It is a practice that is good for the soul and even when we feel the dryness of the desert, we can find the waters of love.

Prayerfully reflect on the following:

“Then  the Lord passed by and sent a furious wind that split the hills and shattered the rocks— but the Lord was not in the wind. The wind stopped blowing, and then there was an earthquake—but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire—but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was a soft whisper of a voice.”  1Kings 19 11–12

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Who is God?  “God is love.” 1John 4:8

Make it a practice each day this week to observe without the noise at least once a day. Talk to God about how you encountered His whispers of love.  How has what you found helped in your personal relationship with God?  How has it helped in your relationship with God in your neighbor?