ADVENT WEEK 1: Are you ready to lovingly give God your yes?

Mary’s heart was open to receive Jesus with love.  Are our hearts open to lovingly receive Him too? 

Advent is a special time.  It is a time when we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.  While we prepare to celebrate His birth, we prayerfully reflect on our openness to have room for Him in the inn of our hearts.  Are we ready?  Celebrating Christmas comes at a set time that we can prepare for.  Would we recognize Him if He came when we weren’t expecting Him to come?  Just as those in Bethlehem were not expecting Him, the same may one day happen to us.  Advent helps us to reflect on our openness to recognizing Him whenever and however He chooses to do so.

This Advent, I invite you to reflect with me on those who played an active role in the coming of Jesus.  This week I reflect on Mary, the woman chosen by God the Father to be the mother of Jesus.

Mary – one who was unaware that from the moment of her conception, God was preparing her for the moment when St. Gabriel would deliver the message that would change everything.  She only needed to ask one question, a question that would protect the virtues of chastity and obedience and she asked it with the virtue of humility.   Why did Mary think that those virtues that would both keep her pure of heart  be so important?  When the answer to that question was given, she recognized it to be God.  How did the virtues of chastity, obedience and humility prepare her to be open to hearing God’s will for her life?  Do I do all I can to protect those virtues?  Do I see the value they hold in helping me too hear God’s will for my life?

What must it have been like to have suddenly understood to some extent all she had previously pondered in her heart about the coming of the Lord?  Am I aware that God is always with me, preparing me so that I recognize Him when He reveals Himself to me, when He wants to make His presence known?

Do I work on having a relationship with God so that I could recognize Him, cooperate with Him and give Him the desires of His heart that He chooses to gain through me? 

With her eyes on God she said yes, knowing that the perception of man could be that she committed a grave sin.  She put God’s desires, which were also her desires, and our salvation ahead of her own reputation in life. Do I love and honor her for doing that for God and me?  Do I model her by trusting that God’s desires, which are mine, can be fulfilled for the good of all in spite of what it may look like?  

We know from the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-56) that followed, that Mary’s heart must have been rejoicing. What can I learn from sitting with Mary as God revealed that He desired for her to be a part of His plan to redeem us?  


Luke 1:26-38 

Reflect on each of the bolded questions above.  Talk to God about what you have reflected upon. 

How can you live the result of these reflections out during this advent week and as you move forward in life?