The Weather Can Teach Us To Be More Welcoming

The sun was shining the other day. It felt so good. My energy was high and I accomplished much off my list and for others.  At one point I eagerly walked the dog so I could take it all in. The next day wasn’t so easy. It was cold and cloudy. I kept watching the clouds and looked for the sun. I only needed a small window to force myself to get out, but it was hard because my energy was a mirror of the clouds.  I felt like doing nothing.  The cold and lack of sun made it hard to move.  The next day was even worse because it was complete with rain or should I say downpours.

I begin pondering on how different I was when the day was filled with sun and when it was not. I knew it was all about my attitude, but what could it teach me about my relationship with God, including the relationship I have with God being in my neighbor?  Would I have a sunnier attitude and more energy by being opened to learn?  I hoped so as I don’t want the weather to dictate my enthusiasm for any given day.

In reflecting, I could see that when the sun was out, everything felt good and I welcomed all the day had to offer. My ability to receive the gift of the day and also give the gifts I had in order to help others was high and everything felt good. I was energized and my heart felt light and happy. 

It was as if I mirrored the sun, which was ready to glorify God by using its gift of light and warmth.  It would shine on both the good and the bad.  It didn’t refuse to give its gifts to anyone based on judgments.  Freely given.  Freely received.  All were welcomed

When it was cloudy to any degree, everything changed.  I no longer had the energy and with that came the lack of desire to use my gifts.  I was closed off and was not receiving the gift of the sun.  In reflecting on it, I absolutely see the gift of the sun was still there.  I could see the green grass and the colors of the flowers set before me.  I could see the people walking their dogs and all the cars driving by.  When the sun was set and it was dark, I couldn’t see those gifts.  I looked up at the sky on the day I was reflecting and it was completely white.  It was the background to the trees and seemed to perfectly highlight their beauty.  Funny how we like to decorate our homes with the breezy feeling of white in the summer, but we don’t accept it when it’s in the sky.  God chose that day to decorate in white.  When I saw it that way, my energy began surfacing.  I thought about the days when it’s only partly cloudy.  How fun it must be for God to make puffy clouds!  What joy He must feel when He makes angels, dogs, ducks and people out of them! 

Once I started opening my heart to the creativity of God and the beauty He brings every day when the sun rises, everything changed.  

I allowed my heart to welcome the gifts being given and in turn I was eager to give my gifts.  I began noticing how good I felt when, whatever gift I may be giving at any given moment, was happily received.  I felt great.  That’s how God must feel when I happily receive His gifts.  I also noticed how sad I felt when my gift was not received or even noticed.  That’s how God must feel when I complain or don’t appreciate His gifts.  I knew with those comparisons, I wanted to make sure I appreciated all gifts, but in particular I wanted to embrace the weather whatever it may be.  The shining sun, the glistening snow, the bright white or blue sky, the fluffy clouds and the grey skies that offer me the chance to play in the rain are all gifts if I am opened to receiving them.

A welcoming heart.  That is what I want.  I want to welcome the gifts that are given to me and I want to welcome the neighbor that God places in my life.  I want to show them how they have a place in my heart by sharing my gifts.  The size of the gift won’t matter.  Any moment God places someone in my life, He has most assuredly given me something I can share.  

At times all we can give is a smile. When that happens, we know we can trust that that was all that was needed.  If something more was needed, God surely would have supplied us with the means to do so.  

At Christmas time we often hear the question posed whether or not we have room in the inn of our hearts.  We embrace that, but then we can easily forget after the Christmas season is over.  

Life gets in the way and we forget what’s important. The to-do-list must get done, the bills have to be paid, the kids need to get to practice, the car needs repair and the dinner must be made. No one can argue that they aren’t important. Many things on the list are other oriented and part of our vocation, our purpose. But having a welcoming heart can be lost because our focus becomes on getting the boxes checked off and at times just making it through the day.

Every day the sun rises and shines on us. We experience the joy when we receive it and it doesn’t take much for the sun to do it. It was going to rise anyway. Much of our welcoming life can be like that. We can help people feel valued and welcomed simply because we were there anyway.  

We just need to practice a heightened awareness so we don’t miss the many precious opportunities given us.  We cannot have that awareness grow without prayer and God’s much needed help.

Do we smile at people who walk by us or we do we avoid eye contact? Do we pick up the phone while making dinner so we can call a friend or are the earphones only used to listen to music? Do we think to use our love for baking to make a cake for a friend who is down? Do we maintain eye contact with the one we are talking to or are we busy scanning the crowded room? Are we present? Do we send a card to our elderly family members who don’t use email so they can be lifted up in knowing that they are important and remembered? Do we knock on our neighbors door to say hi? Do we run if we hear the neighbor knocking on ours? There are so many ways we can be present and when we are present, we are welcoming and making room in the inn of our hearts.

I pray I can remember what I’ve learned from the clouds so that my love for God and neighbor can grow.  What once made me feel blah now makes me aware that the beauty and the silver lining is always there for us to see because God’s gift is always there.  

By looking up and simply being aware of the weather of the day, I pray I can then be mindful to be aware of the fact that all I have to do is rise, show up and be aware to be that welcoming heart of love.

Prayerful Reflections – After praying, talk to God about what happened during your time of prayer.

The natives showed us extraordinary kindness; for because of the rain that had set in and because of the cold, they kindled a fire and received us all. Acts 28:2

Praise the Lord from the earth lightning and hail, snow and clouds, strong winds that obey His commands. Ps 148:5-8. 

Reflect on the sun’s rising always bringing you gifts even when the sky is not a blue sky.

Take some time each morning this week to reflect on the gift that the weather is giving you.

Every evening review your day to see what happened when you showed up.  Did you use your gift and by their use be a welcoming heart?  Can you see that you had all you needed just by showing up?  Can you trust you had all you needed?

In reviewing your day, can you see that you had a welcoming heart in receiving gifts given to you? 

If you see that you, perhaps, missed something in either giving or receiving, don’t beat yourself up.  We are all human.  We all have to work at being more aware.  Find joy in the process of this part of your journey.  It’s like playing Where’s Waldo to find your welcoming heart! 

Be Authentic

“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde. We are all expressions of God’s love and each one of us has a unique way of expressing it because God’s love is shown in an infinite number of ways. That’s why it is so important for us to be our authentic selves and never compare ourselves to how someone else is expressing the love of God. By your very life you are a prayer that nobody else can offer and needs to be prayed.


Destination…Purpose! If only we had a GPS that could take us to our purpose!  The truth is, if we did have one, we would find it to be a very short trip.

At various times in our lives we think about our purpose and set out to try and find it.  We often look for large scale ideas that can make an impact, but we fail to look at the now and how we are already making a difference. I have three highly independent children who are out in the world doing three different things with their lives. They are each using their gifts to make their corner of the world better.  This is what parenting works towards.  That means that in the times that we are changing diapers, making dinners, helping with homework, getting them to sports practice and cleaning the house, we are fulfilling our purpose. We may not see it at the time, but we will see it in the future. This is not just the case for parents.  This is true for everyone.  Together with God we make a difference. 

The fulfillment of our purpose happens when we are fulfilling our purpose each day that is set before us. 

Parents may see only pots and pans.  Children may only see homework.  The to-do-list, in our limitations, can seem mundane and endless, but God sees the bigger picture and the differences we are making. 

My children are grown, but my purpose in life is not over. It is set before me just as it was when I was raising them.  Of course, some things take great discernment.  I am not referring to those bigger decisions.  You also cannot say yes to everything or you will burn out.  I am referring to the times we say yes in the simplicity of our daily lives.  These times form us and direct our path without us even thinking about it.  In most situations, among the pots and pans, so to speak, we often come to realize that all any of us have to do is say yes for today and each today that comes to make a difference. We say yes to those who we have the ability to help. We say yes to being good stewards of the gifts we have been given. We say yes to giving what we have and receiving what others may want to share with us.  By that sharing, we form commUNITY, which is always vital.  We say yes to new opportunities if they seem right and good and we say yes to learning. In the stillness of our hearts we follow what we become passionate about even if it seems silly. 

We say yes every day to the desires of the Father’s heart and we trust that with each step we are making a difference. Each step is taking us to the finish line whether we can see it or not. Each finish line is not the end, but the beginning of a new purpose.  By this we see that there is nothing ordinary about any day in our lives. 

While there are countless different things we say yes to, when we are striving to make a difference, they all have one thing in common.  They all entail sacrifice.  To make a difference,  we say yes to benefit someone else, not our self gain.  It is other oriented.  On our own we are incapable of sacrifice, but the greater we grow in our love for God, the greater is our ability to sacrifice with love…and not with grumbling.    Yes, God is love and and He has shown us that true love is in sacrifice. 

Being mindful of being united to Jesus in the sacrifice, helps us to be the unceasing prayer because on our own, we would never be able to make even the smallest other-oriented gesture.  That is why we are in great union with Him when we sacrifice and why everything we do becomes a powerful prayer. 

Even self-care is other oriented as in taking care of our physical, mental and spiritual selves, we can maintain our health and with a refreshed mind and spirit, we can more readily give with a heart of love. 

During Covid, my routine changed. In these months I have used the time to create the life I would want when I retired. Having my son with me in the beginning was a big help as it is in his nature to be a supportive coach. When he stepped out of the car at the airport, I thought that my support had gone and without my cheerleader, I wouldn’t be able to continue on the road I had begun to travel on at the start of Covid. Then I realized that was not true. The roles had been reversed. Over the last two months he was raising me so I could be independent on this new purpose-filled road.  His returning home was a fulfillment of his purpose at that time. When he got on the plane, a new purpose for him had begun just as mine had. All the steps I needed to begin my retirement journey were prepared before the road would be traveled on because each day, step-by-step for the past several years, I was fulfilling my purpose for the day until the time came for me to have a support system to pull it all together.  

In fulfilling my daily purpose, God was gently getting me ready for a new purpose, a purpose that could not be met without first daily preparing for it with my yes.

Then, when it was all set, He sent me the encouragement I would need to hit go.

Each day that we say yes, we are fulfilling our purpose. It is met with all that we are given. God doesn’t make it hard. We do. Our gifts, talents, circumstances and heart lead us day by day. When we fail to realize it, we fail to enjoy the spectacular gift of today. We fail to see the loving hand of God preparing us ahead of time for what we will need down the line. 

It is that very hand that loves us that assures us we don’t need to worry about tomorrow. We only need to do what we need to do today. 

To procrastinate and put off things will cause problems as that is our free-will no. It is a way of blocking the very thing we want…purpose.  The things we put off way heavy on us, making it difficult to move forward.  But with our yes, we can soar because we are carried safely in the wings of God. Psalm 91:4

For Prayerful Reflection with God

Are you aware that when you do things while being mindful of God’s presence, by your very life, you become a prayer?  If it’s hard to be mindful constantly that is understandable.  Try starting and ending each thing you do being mindful of God.  If possible to remember, take a small pause while doing the job to remember you are doing your responsibility with God.

When doing for others, do you have a selfish motive or an other-oriented motive?

Are you grumbling in your sacrifices?  Perhaps you need some self-care so that you may be more loving when you do for others.

Reflect on how many things you said yes to in the simplicity of your day and how that made a difference for others.

Are you giving time to explore your gifts and grow in the things that interest you?  Are you mindful that by your growth, God may be preparing you for the future?  At the very least, these may be a cause of refreshment to you and when you use your gifts, you always glorify God because on your own, you cannot do them.

When you think about your past, can you now see how God was preparing you for what you are doing today? 


 In what way did you find beauty this week and how has it helped you to discover your true self?

A while back I came up with that question.  I figured the answer would lie in nature or art, but in not knowing what to really expect, I put it aside and tried not to think about it.  I simply hoped I would know by the weeks end.   

The following day I was listening to the B Hooked podcast.  In the episode, a guest mentioned something that spoke to my heart. 

True beauty lies in sharing.  

I wish I could give the woman who said it credit, but it was so long ago, I don’t remember.  If someone should ever come across it, please let me know and I will update this writing,  In any event, I couldn’t help but to notice that her statement coincided with my question.   This was definitely not an answer I had expected and I definitely could not put it out of my head.   True beauty really does lie and sharing, but what exactly does that mean?  I had to prayerfully explore.

True beauty lies in sharing because all that we have is a gift from God. He shares all His gifts and talents with us and because we couldn’t each possibly have all His gifts, He desires that we share what we have been given

Being one in the Body of Christ, we then have all gifts. We can experience parts of Jesus that we wouldn’t know were it not for the sharing of others. We can never fully know God.  He is infinite.  We can, however, know Him a little more fully by the sharing of others and whenever Jesus is known and spread throughout the world, love and beauty grow. The world, the Body of Christ, grows more loving and more beautiful.

I was intending on seeing something beautiful. I was expecting to experience beauty created by God in nature or by someone else. What I never expected to learn was that I have true beauty simply because I have Jesus within and can share Him with others. That sharing is what makes us beautiful. Imagine that!  We are beautiful because we share, not because of our exterior looks or how much money and time we spend on beauty products and services.    

In trying to know our true selves,  we can say that all we have comes from Jesus and that makes us beautiful. He makes all of us beautiful. Beauty is definitely not skin deep. It’s much, much deeper.

Sharing our gifts is not so we can brag.  We are sharing the gifts Jesus has because He first chose to share them with us.  On our own, we would have nothing.  He couldn’t physically be with all of us all at once, but through the Holy Spirit He devised a way to do just that. That is amazing!   

We experience God’s love when He gives us a gift directly.  He can experience our love being returned to Him when we use it and also in His union with the person who is receiving it from us.  It is a sharing of love.  What can be more beautiful? 

Sharing our gifts is not  so we can be liked, but it naturally helps build a commUnity.  Whether it is a commUnity of two or more, we are not alone.  

By the very gifts we have been given, we look for people who are like minded and can share our interests.  The gifts we have been given are the very foundations of all communities.  

Every commUnity, is a foreshadowing of Heaven, where we are all together as one in the family of God.  Whether we are in a family or a club, we are a commUnity of sharing and all gifts should be shared and received with love.  To ignore or judge a gift given or to try and hide our own gifts is to stifle the beauty, love and union of God, our very purpose.

All is a gift. What a tremendous purpose we have because we share. I believe I once read that Mr. Rogers said share everything with at least one person. That makes it more doable. So often we receive gifts and don’t even realize it because they seem so small, but by their very size, they are more doable.  The uplifting thought, the cup of water, the photo you took…As long as they aren’t sinful, they are all ways that help us and the receiver get a glimpse of God and bring Him glory.  For some it may seem uncomfortable at first, but we should strive to have the heart for it. If your heart is of love, you don’t have to worry about being overbearing. You won’t be.

It may look or feel like a great suffering at times, but it is always a way of bringing Jesus to others.  

When mindful that we would not have the gift without Jesus, we experience great union with Him.  We become the unceasing prayer by our very lives.  It is in that union that He makes us beautiful.

It’s always easier to give than receive. It is always easier to give the cup of water than to receive it.  When someone shares with us, we should rejoice. Pride and embarrassment have no room. 

We need to welcome the sharing of others with a thankful heart and hear in the deep  recesses of a heart, “It is I, Jesus.”

What an awesome realization in being able to know our true selves. Beauty lies in sharing all that is given to us because all we have is Jesus. All we have and receive is Him. He is our true self. To know any goodness we possess is to know Jesus.


All our gifts come from God.  Pray and meditate on James 1:17

We are meant to share and receive gifts with a joyful heart.  Pray and meditate on Luke 1:26-56

What gifts do you possess?

Do you hoard your gifts?  If so, can you take small steps to begin sharing them?

Do you share your knowledge, inspirations and skills or do you judge them to be of nothing?  

If you judge, why do you judge gifts given to you as not being of any worth?  Try to start recognizing them for the gifts they truly are. 

Do you judge the gifts of others?  Do you try and stifle them?  Do you receive the gift of who others are as if you are receiving Jesus?

Reflect on the sharing of your gifts as a means of helping others to know Jesus more fully.

Reflect on receiving the gifts others give you as a means of knowing Jesus more fully.

Reflect on the beauty you reflect when you share. 

Reflect on your gifts being a means for you to find a commUnity to share, help and be in Union with.  

Sharing is a form of sacrifice.  Reflect on the importance of being mindful that in sharing gifts and receiving them, we are in Union with Jesus and become the prayer by our very lives.


Help me Obie One Kenobi. You’re our only hope. 


As I said in the previous blog, pride and fear played a big part in the Star Wars sagas, but humility and hope were also strong and, in the end, won.  The times when hope played a part began with humility. The humility led to peace, not anger. The peace gave way to love and in this scenario, when the door to fear was opened, it was firmly shut tight. The focus would not be on fear. Instead it would be focused on a righteous hope that was anchored in love. It would not be an I, I, I or  me, me, me mentality. It was a mentality of we.  The individual was never alone, not even when they were the only one physically present.  They just understood this just as we understand being one in Jesus and in the Communion of Saints.  They never thought of themselves as the bravest or most supreme. They were humble. They were part of something bigger. The odds against them were not dwelled on.  The loss they could incur was not about themselves and how they would feel if they suffered the loss. It was completely other oriented. 

Being mindful that they were never alone and part of something bigger, for the sake of those they loved, they would risk their lives while holding onto a hope anchored in love.  As Saint Paul tells us in Romans 5:5, hope never disappoints when it is centered on God.  


When someone was trying to win someone over from the dark side, reason never worked. Force never made them change their ways either. While mercy and compassion were always present when winning someone over, it was also grounded in hope. The one filled with hope could see the conflict within the one who was in the dark and with love, they showed them hope that they would return to the side of good. With great love, they set up the hope.  Perhaps deep down we never want to disappoint someone who melts our hearts with the hope they have in us…and hope never looks like the manipulation of a guilt trip. 

It may have taken time, and hope may have even diminished a bit, but it always won because it never died. God-centered hope is that powerful.


Nobody in the movie was perfect and neither are we. In one instance there was one who was grounded in humility, but fell and entered the door to fear. Just as in the person who leads with pride, actions based on fear of the humble person still cause devastating effects because we are one. 

Our words and actions never only affect us.  We are one in the Body of Christ and by our very lives, we are the prayer

The difference between entering the door of fear when one was filled with pride and one was filled with humility was repentance. 

With the strength of repentance, the humble one willingly receives help from God.  Though they may fall, they are able to rise again, continue to grow and say yes when the door is open to help and make a difference.  They are able to reject fear and act on hope. They can right their wrongs.

So much can be overcome with hope. While fear and despair are closely tied, so are courage and hope.  Both bring about action, but only one truly has victory.  We don’t have to be battling major battles in an actual battlefield to see how fear versus hope dictates our lives. We only have to become aware of the first inkling of a reaction to any loss or possible loss we may find surfacing in us. 

With each of these 11 movies, the idea of fear versus hope grew stronger within me. The idea that love conquers all and hope never disappoints also became stronger. While I know that to be true, the question is, do I live that?   I am excited to learn where I am in respect to hope so I can grow.   I invite you to pray on it as well.


Meditate on Rom 5:1-5.

Do you ACT as the prayer of love and hope knowing how powerful they are? 

Are you afraid of losing something?  Do you exercise hope in the situation?

If you are afraid of loss, are you looking at self or being other-oriented?  Can you be honest about it? 

If you are in a situation that is the result of you acting out of fear, have you embraced the power of repentance?

Is there someone you have been trying to pull out of darkness?  Are you using a combination of reason and anger or reason and love? Have you tried using hope and love? Do you think it’s worth at least trying?

Pray on these and talk to God about them.


“May the force be with you.”

Recently I was able to spend 11 nights watching every movie in the Star Wars saga with my son.  By watching one nightly in a short period of time, I was better able to make sense of all the stories on a whole. I also was able to see the underlying theme that played throughout the movies.  We can all see that the sagas are a battle between good and evil. We can understand the inference of faith each time someone says, “May the force be with you”.  What wasn’t so obvious, at least to me until I saw them all played out together, was that they were also a battle of pride vs. humility and fear vs. hope. We all know the line, “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re our only hope,” but there was so much more.  I was filled with the presence of God as He taught me so much about fear and hope through these science fiction movies.  Without giving away any movie spoilers, I’d like to explain what I mean in this post and the post next week.


The times when fear played a major part began with pride.   While it can be manifested in many different ways, pride basically gives one the attitude of entitlement. With entitlement comes a sense of the need to control the circumstances in order to hang on to what one feels they are entitled to have, what they are unhealthily attached to.  Fear of loss begins when the entitlement is threatened.  In the movie, as the entitlement and, therefore, fear grew, anger grew as well.  It easily followed.  

With all this, the ground then becomes fertile for the threat of some sort of loss to be perceived as great and the door for battle to be opened.  Armed with the interior destructive weapon of fear that was built on a foundation of pride, anger seemed justified, drastic actions were engaged and hate followed closely behind.  Nothing short of a recipe for disaster.  The only way the characters in the movie could protect themselves from losing what they loved was to enter the door and fight. In addition to the interior battle tools of pride, fear, anger, and hate being used, they employed secrecy.  They never explained the truth of their greatest fears to those who loved them and had always been there for them.  With nobody to help eliminate their fears, they only saw battling as the answer.  Having put themselves on the pedestal of power, they believed that they could fix everything through their skills and power.  Anybody who stood in their way would be eliminated.  While they insisted they were acting for the good of others, their fear of loss exposed the truth.  All their actions were to ensure that they did not have to suffer the loss they so greatly feared, a loss that was easily exaggerated in their imagination because it began with pride that was so tightly connected to all the fears that had developed and then kept a secret.

With fear causing the initial action, destruction became the fruit and instead of saving what they did not want to lose, they lost it and so much more. Jesus told us the only way to save our lives is to lose them (Luke 9:24), but fear has trouble seeing this and we become totally blind and increase the destruction once we hate.


Anger, in whatever form it takes, reveals much.  It never starts independently.  It is rooted in other causes and can show us things such as how closely connected pride and fear are. 

Anger, including things like passive aggressive anger or stubbornness, often reveals what we are afraid of losing.  In short, they expose what lies in the heart. 

That can be true even if we don’t recognize fear and only see pride being revealed.  Pride  has a measure of entitlement and attachment connected to it and when those are threatened, one can fear suffering their loss.   Pride/fear can be in one area or in many that have  built upon each other.  Pride/fear can turn to hate slowly or quickly, but in general, if we don’t address it sooner than later and a door of something greatly feared is opened that allows the anger to manifest into hate, we are going to find ourselves on the losing side.  The sooner we recognize where the fear lies, the sooner we can address it and protect ourselves from the devastation and blindness hate causes.  We should never be afraid of revealing the fear we hold within to those we love.  It loses its power when we have the support of someone who can identify when fear is unfounded and instead helps us to embrace humility, truth and hope.  

What happens when fear is warranted and the threat of loss is real and righteous?  I will cover that in my next blog when I discuss humility and hope.  For now, I will reflect on these points so that I may grow in my relationship with God by growing in trust and fearing not.  I invite you to join me. 


Scripture can help us on this journey.  The problem is that often times we say we believe what our faith teaches us, but then when we are asked to actually live it, we forget what we have learned.  

Do you just repeat scripture or do you live it? 

Do you believe pride comes before the fall?  

Do you do a daily examine to see if pride crept into your day?  If it does, do you address it immediately? 

Do you recognize fear or anger in our lives?  What are you afraid of losing? 

Do you say scripture tells us not to be afraid 365 times and then become fearful?  

Do you say that perfect love casts out all fear, but fail to practice it? 

Do you say love conquers all and not mean it? 

Do you have a trusted friend who can pull you out of pride and fear before it becomes overwhelming?

Do you talk to God about your fears and why you act like you believe or do not believe in His teachings about not being afraid?  Do not be upset with yourself.  Wounds take time to heal and God is patient with us. 

Pray and reflect on all of this with God.

Four Prayerful Reflections on Play Being a Form of Prayer

Playing is another form of refreshing prayer just as creativity is.  It can be “played out” in many ways.  We can play alone or with others.  It can involve the physical activity of sports or the sedentary activity of playing cards.  It can be dinner and a movie alone or with friends.  One of my favorite forms of play is what Julia Cameron of the ARTISTS WAY, refers to as the Artist Date.  The Artist Date is when we set aside at least 30 minutes a week to experience something different, doing something we have done before but in a different way or maybe it is something we have done before, but we haven’t done it in a while.  

Artist Dates are times when our play is not done with anyone else except our Creator. I call them Jesus Dates.

Because you do it alone with God, it is a special way of being the prayer.  Being conscience of the presence of God helps you to see things in ways that you haven’t seen them before.  It is no longer a flea market item.  Who created it? Who used it?  Was it a gift?  For what occasion? What can I do with it?  You can find yourself praying for the former owners.  Every Artist Date can be reflective.  It can be a journey of imagination and wonder.  

God’s ways are infinite and the possible reflections that come from these dates bring about a union with God that can be both prayerful and refreshing.  

The best way to experience an Artist Date is to go out, but that is not always possible.  It requires some creativity to figure out something to do in the house, but it can be done.  The cup of tea is done thoughtfully as it turns into a tea party.  The basement or attic can become the garage sale with new items to discover.  The effort to leave the house or use your imagination within your home can, at times, seem daunting, but the results are worth it.  

As we grow up and the stresses of the world weigh heavy upon us, we often neglect the use of our imagination.  It seems childish, but it is not.  

God used His imagination to create the world.  Allow Him to continue to use it through you.

As you are filled with God, you will be helping others if you offer the date up as a prayer.  It is you being the prayer.  A means of praying without ceasing.  It is not just an afternoon of bicycling, taking a walk or going to a museum.  You will be refreshed and that will help you to willingly be there for your neighbor in need.  You will come out of your playful time with a greater infilling of God and that is just what the world needs.  While I am focusing on playing alone and calling them Artist Dates, this is also true when we are with friends.  People hold God, the Creator, within them.  When we are with others and mindful of that, we are in union with God as we experience His love and imagination being expressed through them.  With your very life, it is a beautiful prayer to offer up.   Either way, if we are mindful of God’s presence, play can be a time of refreshment, a fruitful  prayer and preparation for giving our neighbors what we have been filled up with…God.

Questions to Prayerfully Reflect On 

Pray and reflect on Peter being a part of the imagination of Jesus in order to be obedient  from Matt 17:24-27.

Pray and reflect on the servants being a part of the imagination of Jesus in order to help the newly married couple while, at the same time, starting His mission.  John 2:1-12.

When was the last time you were open to being imaginative?  Talk to God about it.

What are some ways you might play alone or with friends in order to be refreshed, closer to God and be the prayer?  Talk to God about them