God the Father’s Loving & Miraculous Care for Us is Unwavering

Miracles happen every day. God’s love for us is manifested miraculously every day and if we were more open to that truth, I believe we would see these miracles more often and our gratitude and trust would increase.  I believe we don’t see many miracles because we have taken them for granted and only label that which is larger than life and out of the ordinary as a miracle.  The amazing small things go unnoticed.  What do I mean by that? I think some examples would be the best way to explain.

One of the things I really enjoy is watching glass blowers make beautiful glass sculptures from nothing but melted glass. I can watch them for hours, but have limited myself to 30 minutes. There’s only so much staring they probably could take!

I find the entire process to be filled with God.  All creativity is God being manifested through His children and there could be no question that creativity like that can only come from God.  Who else can inspire someone to take glass, melt it at over 2000° and then blow in a tube and use other tools to shape it?  Blowing in a tube with molten hot glass on the other end…Only God could inspire that and our ability to hear the inspiration is a miracle. We are given the gift of being able to hear God and act out on His inspiration, creativity and designs. We can hear God!  That is amazing, but we often take it all of that for granted instead of standing in awe.   Because we do that, we miss so much.

The other part of the process of glass blowing that helps me to see it’s filled with God is that God can do anything. No miracle is off the table. Where we see impossibility, He knows it can be done “for nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). Where we lack confidence, He asks what Father would do anything other than give his child what he needs and desires. (Matt 7:7-11).  He said “Let there be light” (Gen 1:3) and there was.   He said, “This is my body (Matt 26:26) and we can trust it was.   Jesus is the same yesterday, today and always (Heb 13:8).  His loving and miraculous care for us is constant. 

When we rob ourselves of seeing God fulfill His desires in us, we miss so much.  We miss out on seeing His love manifested. We lose out on peace. We lack a daily ability to see His care and by that grow in trust of Him.  Instead of standing in awe over His creative designs that are fulfilled through his people, we judge. We miss out on so much.

I write all this as I sit on my deck and take in the beauty of the many potted plants I have on it and the plants that decorate an old wooden swing set. I do not have a green thumb and yet these plants are thriving.  I know this to be a miracle that can easily be taken for granted. I look at plants and know I have a Father who loves me deeply. On a practical note they cost a lot of money and He has made sure it’s not wasted.  He knows how much pleasure I get from gazing at His creation. If He could care for these flowers, I know He can be trusted to care for me.  ( Matt 6:28-29). That confidence is an example of what we can miss when we fail to see the small miracles all around us because we take so much for granted.

Upon gazing at the miracle of these flowers, my dog began barking at me.  I am able to deduce that he is thirsty and wants water.  That was the problem exactly.  That I can understand a dog and take care of his needs is a reminder to me that not only do small miracles of love and care happen all the time, but God uses me to give them as well as receive them.  The interruption could have been seen as an annoyance, but because I am currently open, I find the interruption to be a chance to grow closer to God the Father.  I see that not only does He provide for the flowers, but for dogs.  I am reminded that I am made in His image and likeness and if in that image I have it in my heart to take care of a dog, how much more can I be brought to the certainty that He will take care of me.  I am again strengthened in my assurance that He loves me and will always provide for me.  

Last week I talked about the need for a relationship with God the Father in order for us to grow and model the humanity of Jesus which was centered on love of God and neighbor and the trust that comes from that relationship. I would suggest that we take this further by being open to the miracles that happened all around us throughout our day because we are loved in return.

I would suggest you look around and consider what you see. What has inspired people to create? How many small things flourish because someone is being used as God’s hands? What impossible situation is manifesting itself in a parting of the Red Sea moment for you? Are you judging what could be such a moment?   I would suggest you look at humanity through the lens of a Father who loves His children. His love surrounds us and His enemy is always trying very hard to get our focus off that fact.  In a time when the world seems upside down, knowing we have a Father who loves and cares deeply for us can bring us so much peace, strength and courage.  I suggest that we all continually work on our relationship with our Father just as Jesus always did. I know we won’t regret it.

Prayerfully reflect on:

The six scriptures noted above.  Go to God the Father with Jesus and talk to them about what you discovered in your heart.  

List some things that are gifts from God that you have come to take for granted.  Reflect on the love He has for you as indicated by His provisions in these ordinary miracles. In union with Jesus, go to the Father and talk about them.  Make this a regular practice so that your trust and confidence in difficult times can still be strong.  

If you are going through a difficult time, look for the little ordinary miracles that are actually gifts of love surrounding you so that you may find peace in the storm.

In what ways might God be using you to give miracles?  Receive them?  Talk to Him about this.