God Has an Important Plan & You are a Part of It

God Has an Important Plan and You are a Part of It

God uses every one of us and every situation for His glory and our good.

People fill up our lives whether we know them or not; whether they are with us or not.  Strangers, family and friends may be responsible for the directions are lives take or they may simply fill up our heart.  Either way, because of that, in some way, they are with us wherever we go and we are with them!  They fill our lives and help us to grow so we are ready each moment to be an instrument of God’s loving plan.

God is so amazing!  He knows exactly what this world needs to complete His plan and His plan is to love. He knows exactly which parents are suited for the child He wants to bring into the world.  He then gives each one the  gifts and talents that are needed so that we can all take care of each other. He knows exactly how many doctors, teachers, civic leaders, scientists, inventors, plumbers, grocers, truck drivers, etc. are needed. It is a perfect plan of love.

Often times we miss it.  We get stuck in the muck and mire. We get preoccupied by the salaries of jobs and the endless to-do-list. That’s understandable, but sad. These things must be secondary.  By faith we must know that God didn’t give us gifts and talents, expect us to use them and then cause us to starve because we did.  Nor did God give us a to-do-list that would make us so busy that we would have no time to use our gifts. God gives us the desires of our hearts and it is up to us to take the time to pray and find out what gifts and talents He has given us that may be used to help our desires come to fruition. We may love the arts, but have a scientific mind. We may want to be doctors and the arts are a way for us to wind down and relax from the stress. We may want the art to be our primary goal. We think it doesn’t make sense, but it is our desire. Let God work it out. Remember, Jesus was a carpenter before He set out on His ministry.  He will show you the way.  There is a well orchestrated plan by God for our sanctification and the sanctification of our neighbor.  It is a plan  filled with love when we touch our neighbors with our given gifts and our hearts of love. We must respect the position everyone has. We would not function without a President nor our cashier attendants.  Each of us holds a place in the lives of others. We all perfectly fit in the tapestry of love that God is making. We can choose not to like someone, but then we miss God.  We can choose not to respect someone, but what would happen if their vital help was not there? Whether we realize it or not, everyone holds a special place in our lives because God loves us.  We are not our gifts and talents.  We are children of God.  We are His love being poured out and He chooses which gifts we need to bring forth that love, His help.  Without God, we can do nothing.

I think this is one of the best ways to show non believers that God exists and that He loves them.  We must show them that they are special and have a purpose that is very much needed. They must understand that they are a message of God‘s love, but we must treat everyone that way. If we don’t, then trying to show an unbeliever or one filled with dismay that God loves them, that he or she has all they have as a gift from God and that God will use it all for their benefit as well as others will seem completely insincere and patronizing. We must have this sincere attitude towards all whether we like them or not. In this way we practice the Gospel we preach.   We should never underestimate the power in that.

Do we sometimes mess up? Yes. And perhaps the most common reason is that our eyes come off God.  We then lose sight of the gifts and talents He has given us for His glory and to make a difference for our neighbor.  Instead we become focused on self, honor and money. The temptation enters. When that happens to others, we must have mercy. We know it could happen to us so we shouldn’t judge, but repair with love.  We don’t accept the bad actions, but we must love the person, look for their good and pray for them. That’s how we show an unbeliever we are sincere.  

Prayerfully Reflect on the Following:

“Lord, you will decree peace for us, for you have accomplished all we have done.” Isaiah 26:12

“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the spirit is given for some benefit.”  1Corinthians 12:4-7

“Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold onto what is good. Love one another warmly as Christians and be eager to show respect for one another. Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion. Let your hope keep your joyful, be patient in your troubles and pray at all times. Share your belongings with your  fellow Christians and open your homes to strangers.” Romans 12:9-13 

Reflect on the people that have helped you in the past week, whether it was their job or not, whether you knew them or not, whether you even saw them or not.  Did something in particular touch your life?

Reflect on the people that you have helped in the past week, whether it was your job or not, whether you knew them or not, whether you saw them or not.  What gifts did God give you so you could be an expression of His love?  How did you fit into His plan of love and salvation? 

Based on your words and actions this past week, would an unbeliever be certain that you know God has a plan of love and that we are all an important part of it? If not, how might you grow in this area?

4 thoughts on “God Has an Important Plan & You are a Part of It”

    1. Thanks! That would be great, but when I say I am clueless about tech, I’m not kidding! LOL I have no clue how to do invite posts on someone else’s blog. I am guessing you do it? If that’s right, I am fine with it. If not, I need a lesson on how to do it.

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