We are all mountain climbers! 

Yes! Every day we awake and begin our journey towards God. Each journey is a journey within a bigger journey. The bigger journey is travelled so we can be with God in Heaven and all the little daily journeys are what get us there. Each journey begins at the base of a mountain and is complete when we reach the top. Some mountains are small and we can see the top before we even begin. Others are so big that the top is covered with fog. We have no idea how far or how long we must climb.  The journey is a mystery set before us.

Some journeys are pleasant while others are not. Some unpleasant journeys seem inconsequential such as doing the dishes. The journey from dirty dishes to clean dishes put away is done without thought. It is a mountaintop we can clearly see. Other journeys, the ones covered in fog, can be very difficult such as nursing a loved one to health. We move with no idea as to when we will reach the peak.  Whatever the size of the mountains are, however, they all have two things in common.

The first commonality is that we never experience them alone. Whether it’s a small mountain we must climb or a large mountain, the journey is always done with Jesus. (“Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up the high mountain apart by themselves.” Mark 9:2). We are never alone in it. (“Be determined and confident. Do not be afraid of them. Your God, the Lord himself, will be with you. He will not value or abandon you.” Deut 31:6)

The second commonality is that when we reach the mountaintop, if we are willing to take the time to notice, we can see Jesus and understand that we are united to Him. We are aware that the journey has transformed us. It is our transfiguration, so to speak. There is never a question that each journey changes us.  If we take the time, we can be aware of it and experience God. The question is whether or not we take the time to notice.

When we have finished putting the clean dishes away and we are at the mountaintop do we look for Jesus? It wasn’t a hard climb.  We didn’t need any consolation to get to the top, but God was there. He was there in the sacrifice made so you would have clean dishes to eat on.  Neither you nor your family will have to run the risk of getting sick from bacteria. You cleared the way for all by accomplishing what needed to get done because you were proactive in keeping your family healthy and strong.  You made a difference. You did it for Jesus and them.  He is smiling. Whether you know it or not, each day that you are aware of your accomplishment done with Jesus, you will grow in virtue.  You may not be aware of it, but you are slowly being transformed because even the little things shape us to be in conformity with God.  As Brother Lawrence said, “God is in the pots and pans.”

With the higher mountains tops we often sense the presence of God. He sends us consolations. Sometimes they come in a tangible form such as someone who helps us carry our crosses. Sometimes they come in the form of “Godincidences”. Either way, when you take the time to notice you know you are not alone. When you reach the top of the mountain you can see God. He is in the health and recovery of your loved one, the success of the trial, the neighbor helping, the sunset that stirs your soul, the truth discovered, etc. You are in union with God and when you look at who you were in the beginning and who you are now you know you have been transformed. Perhaps your faith is stronger. Maybe you are more loving, more forgiving or more patient. In any event, you know you aren’t the same. You look a little more like Jesus and you know that in some way your heart has grown because “God is love.” (1John 4:8)

Each mountain helps us to grow and when we are daily aware of them, we can better handle the more difficult ones that we suddenly find we have to climb. We know that the higher  mountain may appear, but we are not alone in the climb. We know we will be rewarded. We know the prize is Jesus.  The climb is hard, but the reward makes it worth it for you, all who may be climbing with you and all you have taken with you in the depths of your heart. They are the ones you prayerfully offered each step of the climb for. It is for them that you were the prayer.

Prayerfully reflect on:

Each of the three scripture passages above.  Talk to God about them.  

Brother Lawrence reminds us that God is in all things and all things conform us to look like Jesus.  Reflect on God even being in something so little as the pots and pans. 

How might little daily mountains be transforming you to look more like Jesus?  How does this help in your relationship with Him? With your neighbor?

If you were climbing a higher mountain recently, reflect on how you saw Jesus at its peak and how you may have changed to become more like Christ because of it.  How has this helped in your relationship with God? With your neighbor? 

If you are currently climbing a mountain, try and keep your heart open to seeing the love God is sending your way.  At some point in the day, sit with God and speak to Him about seeing and experiencing His love.  Give thanks for it.  Let the realization of that love embrace you in the silence of your heart so it transforms you and lifts you up.