It has been a really busy week and while I am trying to maintain a balance of order, peace and joy, one thought kept entering my mind as the week slowly unfolded. 

What difference does it make what I do if I do it in the presence of God?

I began realizing that it is one thing to say we believe in something, but our actions give us away as to whether or not we truly believe. If we truly believe God is in us and with us at all times, what would be more important? That we felt accomplished in what we did, felt good about it, enjoyed ourselves while doing it or that we were with God?  I really enjoy crocheting.  If I really enjoyed crocheting and knew I was in the presence of God while doing it, that would make it special. If I was in the presence of God, would washing the dishes be any less enjoyable? What difference would it make as long as I was with God? Would I prefer crocheting to doing the dishes if I knew I would not be with God while crocheting and with Him while doing the dishes? Of course not. I would prefer the dishes because God is the primary focus. He is the reason for our joy. 

I began crocheting a granny square one night.  My plan was to make it large enough to be a sweater/shawl. Then it happened! I made a mistake and the square was totally off. I had to rip out a great deal.  My first thought was to be frustrated and then the question once again arose.  What difference does it make what I am doing if I am doing it in the presence of God? This is a pattern that would continue for days. One day I had to rip out about three rows of work and because I was so far along, it was extensive, but what difference did it make if I was in the presence of God? Was I focusing on being able to complete the project or being with God? I crochet every night so what difference did it make? I was not on a time crunch.  My peace depended on me focusing on the true purpose of crocheting which is being in the presence of God.  I knew I could only lose my peace and my true self if I focused on the project.

I had people over for dinner one night.   Everyone was gone and I was left to do the dishes with my friend and my elderly mother who I wanted to just sit. I truly did not want people to do the dishes with me.  It was my pleasure to serve them, but what difference did it make if I was cleaning the dishes with one other person, myself, or many if I was doing it in the presence of God?  Quickly getting them done because I had help or taking a great deal of time would not have mattered if I was with God.  Would I have been happier to sit and crochet with God instead of cleaning with Him? Not if I truly believe that the priority was simply being in God‘s presence.  If He was my focus, the action, any action, would be secondary. 

 I began seeing more fully what I always say. We are the prayer.

When we are creating, we are creating with the Creator. In some form or another we are always creating. It may be an art project, decorating or even getting dressed or cooking. It may be simple and done daily or it may be solving a complicated problem.  It may be a chore where you are creating a clean space that is accomplished in a way that is unique to you or it may be a method of exercising that you thought of because it, too, works for you.  In any case, we are always creating in the presence of the Creator. We are the prayer. We are an offering of love when we actively serve others, create and use our gifts given to us. In those times we are feeding our souls just as we do in silent prayer and meditations. The meal may be different and affect us differently, but both feed our soul. A similar comparison would be reading.  Some of our readings are spiritual (quiet) and feed our soul. Some feed our brain (active), but in all cases we are taking care of gifts given us. We are the prayer when we do all things with God and glorify Him through them.

And what about those times when we are having to do something we do not enjoy? We are still the prayer. Those are great instances to be used for intercessory prayer and we can do so in peace knowing it doesn’t matter what we are doing because as a prayer the act is only a means to an end. Doing it with God and God being our focus is all that matters. It is there that we find our peace and love. It is there that we find our true self.  We do not want to be someone whose main focus is the achievement or one who is grumbling through the act.  To make an effective prayerful offering of love, we want to be at peace and be love so we can grow in union with Jesus and by that discover our true humanity.  We want to be one who realizes that in all things, what matters most is that we do all in the presence of God.  When we can be mindful of that, we see He never leaves our side so all is enjoyable.

God is everywhere.  We find Him at Church, at home, at work and when we are at play.  He is with us when we are alone or in a crowd.  So the next time you find yourself dissatisfied, put out, frustrated or grumbling because of an activity you would prefer to not have to do, take a pause and ask yourself, “What difference does it make what I am doing if I am doing it in the presence of God?”  


“I keep the Lord always before me; with Him at my right hand, I shall never be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices; my body also dwells secure.” Psalm 16:8-9

“Where can I go from Your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee?”  Psalm 139:7 

“You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in Your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.” Psalm 16:11

“As for me, to be near God is my good, to make the Lord God my refuge.” Psalm 73:28a

“Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms.” Psalm 95:2

“One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek: to dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, to gaze on the Lord‘s beauty, to visit His temple.” Psalm 27:4 

“And He said, ‘My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14