What a week! What gives? Have you ever found yourself expressing those sentiments? 

This past week I could surely have said them.  Yet, all in all, it was a great week because through every bump, turn and sudden stop, God was there. In trying to always build on my relationship with Him and looking  for His presence, instead of feeling stressed, I felt wrapped in God’s love. By the end of the week, the message was clear. No matter what, I can have God’s peace beyond all understanding (Phil 4:7) because He will never leave me nor forsake me. (Deut 31:6)

I had been praying for my work to offer a retirement incentive. The rumors were there. Suddenly covid plans changed and I found that I could no longer work remotely. I decided it was time to go. We never know how God will answer our prayers. My elderly mother turned out to be the incentive I was given. I couldn’t risk her health or risk being isolated from her.  While I was certain it was the right thing to do, I was anxious. I wanted to retire within the year, but I didn’t think it would happen so quickly. Working one day and making definitive retirement plans the next is far faster than I ever operate. My greatest worry was finances. Unlike many, I have no husband to rely on for an additional income. I prayed for peace that I was making the right decision. Two days later I was at Mass and the Gospel reading was on the annunciation. The key phrases in that passage that touched me were, “Do not be afraid. God has been gracious to you.   You will give birth to a son. How can this be? I do not have a husband. The Holy Spirit will come upon you.  She is very old.  Mary took off in haste.” (Luke 1:30-39). For me, the translation of these phrases was, “Do not be afraid. It’s time to retire. You do not have a husband, but you have  Me. Go in haste because your elderly mother needs you.” Peace came instantly.

The rest of the week was overflowing with changes, stops and turns. My son came home from California. He helped me during the first two months of Covid. I call him my coach. He helps people to get up and move to accomplish whatever they want. What better person to be with me during the transition. The timing of that change was perfect.  Within two days of being home, his puppy accidentally ripped my dog’s side open while playing. The doctor said it would cost $1000 to heal him. What? I got the thought to be brave (not generally my style) and I said I didn’t have that kind of money. With that, they offered the option of staples instead of stitches  $800 less. Thank you God. Then my car broke down. I was waiting for a huge bill. It was free. It was a faulty part that was put in a year ago and it was still under warranty.

Looking back on my week so I can learn about God‘s love for me is something I always do.  In this week I could clearly see Him showing me that not only was it time to retire so that I could be His love to my mother, but that my fear of finances was unnecessary .  Just as I would always say yes to His desires, He would always take care of me.  That is how relationships work.  He is my Spouse, Father and Friend and I reciprocate as spouse, daughter and friend.  I couldn’t ask for anything better. 

The truth of God always taking care of me is a truth that is there for all of us. I think it is always important to look back on our days and week to see where God is in our lives.  When we make this a practice and are suddenly hit from all sides, tempted to turn in on self and want to ask, “What gives”,  we may already know that the better question is, “Who gives?” and the answer will be God, the One who loves us. That answer comes more easily when we are in a relationship with Him and can then offer back our giving response. 

Without having a relationship and praying for an incentive,  I would have missed that God was in a relationship with me.  I would have missed seeing Him as my Father, Spouse and Friend always willing to help me and answer my prayers.  The incentive was not money, but love. Without a relationship and without looking back, I may have missed Him showing me that I did not need to fear the unexpected costs of life. He would always take care of me by giving me His care and as part of our relationship, He supplied me with all I would need to give back by taking care of my mother and being His love for her.

Relationship is key.  God is in every aspect of our lives and in every surprise, good or bad. He has our back. We just have to take the time to build on the relationship and take the time to take notice.  It is in the building up of the relationship that we will have peace, hope, love of neighbor, confidence and a heart that is always stirred up with love for God.  It is not a stagnant relationship.  It is ever growing and full of loveThat is a great comfort when life offers sudden changes because it is then that we find that He is our rock and anchor in the storm.  It is also then that we can be made aware of the opportunities He is offering us to not only receive His love, but reciprocate it by being able to do for Him by being His hands and His heart in bringing His love to others. When this is the fruit of our relationship, we can hopefully say both God and I when we ask, “Who gives”?

Prayerfully Ponder the Following:

The Annunciation is Mary’s yes to God.  Being pregnant and not married was cause for being stoned to death.  Understandably it could have been a very difficult yes if she didn’t have a relationship with God, but because she did, she could trust that her loving yes to God would be met with His love…relationship.  Meditate on the Annunciation and put yourself in Mary’s position with God asking something of you that you may be fearful of doing.  If there isn’t something that you presently are hesitant about doing, try putting yourself in a past situation in which you said yes to something that took great courage.  It doesn’t matter if you didn’t see God at the time of your decision because it is now an opportunity to look back to see Him and build on your relationship with Him through it. (Luke 1:26-38)

Prayerfully ponder Deut 31:6.  Talk to God about it.  How might your relationship grow from this passage and your talk?  

Prayerfully ponder Phil 4:6-7.  Talk to God about it. What can you learn about relationship through it?

Prayerfully ponder Col 3:23. Talk to God about it.  What can you learn about relationship with God through it? 

Make it a practice to look back on your day and your week to see God’s presence in your life.  What part of your relationship with Him might He be trying to help you grow in?