ADVENT WEEK 4: The Observer of the Annunciation is in Awe Admiring Mary

As we read scripture, we find ourselves taking on the role of the observer in this magnificent scene that opened the door to our redemption. 

As we enter the fourth and final week of Advent, we can see how we have grown closer to God as we journey closer and closer to Christmas.  Our hearts are open, but we continue to prepare them for the coming of Jesus.  While we prepare to celebrate His birth, we continually pray and reflect on our openness to have room for Him in the inn of our hearts.  When He knocks, we will happily open the door to Jesus.   Celebrating Christmas comes at a set time that we can prepare for, but would we recognize Jesus if He came when we weren’t expecting Him to come?  Just as those in Bethlehem were not expecting Him, the same may one day happen to us as we busy ourselves with our daily responsibilities.  Advent helps us to reflect on our openness to recognizing Him whenever and however He chooses to do so.  

On this fourth week of Advent, I invite you to reflect with me on what it would have been like to have been with Mary when St. Gabriel came and gave his message.  


As I place myself in the room as an observer, I see that Mary didn’t look at anyone, but God. She didn’t worry about what people would think. She didn’t worry about Joseph’s reaction. She didn’t worry about the hard journey to see Elizabeth.  She only thought of God and giving Him the desires of His heart. She knew He would take care of her needs. After all, that’s what love does. Just as she’s always thinking of Him, He is always thinking of her. As an observer I  can see that Saint Gabriel, Jesus and Mary were all in unison… Desirous of giving God the desires of His heart. God is a mystery. There is always so much more to discover of His infinite love. When Saint Gabriel greeted Mary, she was detached. Because of that, Mary was able to let go of all she knew, all the ways in which she knew God to be, and in doing so she was able to receive Him at a level none would ever expect. All she needed to kNOW was in the present moment of the NOW.  She gained so much for herself and us because she was able to let go of her way of thinking. She did not keep God in the confines of a box. 


All this makes me wonder.  Am I, in anyway, so set in my ways of defining God and how He acts that I risk closing myself off to discovering more of the mystery of His love? Do I follow my script or His? Am I open to allowing Him the opportunity to move in my life for my good and the good of others or do I close every window because I am certain He only comes through the door? Are my eyes only open to Him coming as a king or am I truly open to Him coming as a baby, as my neighbor, as my boss, as my employee, as an outcast, in tears, in the rich soil of adversity, in the Eucharist, etc. Do I insist on using a map when He sends a star? Do I look for a star when He sends a map? Do I say yes, while in actuality hemming myself in and closing my eyes, thus making it difficult for Him to move in my life?  Do I close off in fear of the darkness and difficulties that may come my way or do I trust that God is love and His love is a mystery? Am I willing to always discover more of God for my good and the good of others? Am I willing to always work on growing in my prayer life so I can recognize He who is a continual  mystery of love? How will I live out being open to the mystery of how God comes to bring His love to me the rest of the Advent week and beyond?


Luke 1:26-38 

Put yourself in the room with Mary when Gabriel comes to deliver his message.  What do you notice about Mary and her reaction?  If you are having difficulty with this exercise, feel free to use my observations above.  Listen to the stirrings of your heart and talk to God about what you have reflected upon. 

What questions might you ponder about your own life after you have reflected upon Mary’s reaction.  If you are having difficulty with these reflections, feel free to use the questions I offered above.  Talk to God about what you have reflected upon.

How can you live the result of these reflections out during this Advent week and as you move forward in life?

2 thoughts on “ADVENT WEEK 4: The Observer of the Annunciation is in Awe Admiring Mary”

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback. If, at anytime, you want a deeper dig in any area, please let me know. I’d be happy to help either through another post or individually.

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