Jesus waited in great hope for Mary’s yes.  What must have that wait felt like?  

Advent is well on its way as we continue to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.  While we prepare to celebrate His birth, we continually pray and reflect on our openness to have room for Him in the inn of our hearts.  When He knocks, will we open the door to Him or let our hearts be filled with fear that the world begs us to focus on?   Celebrating Christmas comes at a set time that we can prepare for, but would we recognize Him if He came when we weren’t expecting Him to come?  Just as those in Bethlehem were not expecting Him, the same may one day happen to us as we busy ourselves with our daily responsibilities.  Advent helps us to reflect on our openness to recognizing Him whenever and however He chooses to do so.  

On this second week of Advent, I invite you to reflect with me on possible thoughts of Jesus as He waited for the Father’s plan for our salvation to unfold.  

Jesus must have been filled with hopeful anticipation as He waited for Saint Gabriel to deliver the message to Mary.  Would Mary want Him? Would she say yes? God the Father had prepared her for this moment, but would she recognize this message as coming from Him? Would the fear of man and the stoning prompt her decision or would she trust in the mercy of God? Would she meet the desire of God’s heart even though by law it could cost her her life?  Would she trust God or man?  In waiting, how did Jesus feel knowing the Father had chosen Mary, someone who was full of grace, to make the decision that would change everything? 

There are times when our next step is determined by someone’s yes or no and we are powerless to do anything, but wait. How do I handle that? Who do I choose to be a part of my life? Are they people I would feel safe about putting my life into their hands?  Can the answer to these questions help me to understand how Jesus may feel when He is awaiting my yes?  What can I learn from sitting with Jesus in His hope filled anticipation? Can I see hope as a powerful prayer?  How can I use what touches my heart through prayerful reflections to practice hope filled anticipation in my life this Advent week as I prepare for Jesus’s coming?


Luke 1:26-38 

Reflect on each of the bolded questions above as they pertained to how Jesus may have felt as He waited.  Talk to God about what you have reflected upon. 

Reflect on the bolded questions above as they pertain to your life and how you can relate them to your relationship with Jesus.  Talk to God about what you have reflected on.

How can you live the result of these reflections out during this advent week and as you move forward in life?